Growzania is privately owned.

We offer independent reviews on our blog. We are free of influence from any service or product owner.

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The views and opinions expressed in the articles posted here are presented in good faith and are strictly those of Growzania and its writers.

Accordingly, we promise to make every effort to be fair, accurate, and truthful.

However, comments posted at the end of each article represent our readers’ advice, reports, and opinions. So, we cannot ensure the accuracy of or be held responsible for their content.

As human beings, our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind.

It is our goal to base all information presented here on current science. However, because scientific concepts can change or be unknowingly defective, we apologize for any errors we unwittingly publish.

The articles and reviews presented on this website are designed to help you work towards a better you.

We exist to help 10,000 individuals work towards becoming better.

The descriptions and analyses expressed in every article on this website represent the views and opinions of the author.

We rely entirely on the integrity of the information provided by each brand on its label or its website. As such, the accuracy of every review is dependent upon the data a company chooses to share.

Although our goal is to ensure all the information on this website is correct, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy, nor can we commit to ensuring all the material is kept up-to-date daily.

We rely on tips from readers. Please contact us using this form to report a product change or request an update of any review.

Each review is offered in good faith and designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying the product or service.

Financial Disclosure

We do not accept money, gifts, samples, or other incentives from any companies in exchange for special consideration when preparing our reviews.

However, we receive an affiliate commission fee from online retailers (like Amazon) when readers click our affiliate links and purchase from their websites.

These affiliate commissions help support the operation of our blog and keep access to all our content free to the public.

In any case, please be assured it is always our intention to remain objective, impartial, and unbiased when conducting our reviews and analysis.

For Your Own Good

Any claim, statistics, or other representation about a product or service recommended on this website should be verified with the manufacturer or other sources before you make any purchase.

This blog contains links to other websites. Remember, all external links have content that cannot be endorsed or controlled by the editors of this site.

A Note to Product and Service Owners

It’s never been our intention to misrepresent any product willfully. Neither do we wish to perpetuate the many myths surrounding any topic that exists on the Internet.

If you discover a material error in any of our reviews, please contact us and provide verifiable proof of our oversight. If we agree with your point of view, we will gladly correct that error.

Reporting Errors and Commenting

We can’t keep every article and review updated daily. For this reason, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information you read everywhere on this website. The data is always correct as of the date when our article was last updated.

We welcome your feedback and assistance in updating the information we present. And we promise to correct any errors as we discover them or as they are brought to our attention.

This website is designed to be a blog and an open forum. So, feel free to challenge us or disagree with us in the comments section available at the end of each post.

However, we reserve the right to delete any comment that is abusive, rude, mean-spirited, profane, or completely unrelated to the topic itself.

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