Best way to clean rust off your golf clubs (Honest 2024)9 min read

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Best way to clean rust off your golf clubs

If you’ve got rusty golf clubs in your garage, reach for these tips. They’ll help restore them to their former glory without costing you much time or money. In this article, we focus on how to clean rust off your golf clubs.

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Step by Step guide on how to clean rust off golf clubs

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Step 1. Prepping your clubs

Before starting, you’ll need to remove all chrome and finish off the shaft of each club. Remove the grips and clean them with a dry cloth. You may also want to do this if it helps you identify potential problems with your clubs on the course, but it’s not necessary.

Next, remove your covers. Two screws will usually hold on to them, and if you can’t quickly get them off, use a screwdriver to pry them apart slightly. (If you can’t get them off, don’t worry; they won’t fall off during your cleaning process.)

After that, use a soft, damp cloth to clean the grooves. This may sound overly simple, but those grooves collect a lot of debris over time.

Step 2. Degreasing your shaft

Once you’ve removed the covers, you’ll need to do a few rounds of degreasing. This process will help remove any oil and grease deposits and gum up other debris that might affect your clubs’ performance. Here’s how to degrease your shaft.

Apply a solvent, such as a spray cleaner, to both sides of the entire shaft of each club (not just the grooves). Please don’t use too much liquid, and keep wiping until all of it has been absorbed. Allow the clubs to soak in the fluid for about 3 minutes. Wipe the shaft with a dry cloth.

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Step 3. Remove rust from your clubs

Using steel wool

If you have rust spots, you can use steel wool to remove them. You’ll just need a small amount of steel wool, soap, and water. Dip the steel wool in soap and water and use it on the affected area in one direction and then to the opposite side of the shaft in a different direction.

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If you have heavy patches of rust, repeat this scrubbing process several times.

Using Coca-Cola

If you have rust spots, you can use Coca-Cola to remove them. You’ll just need a few drops of the beverage, a cotton pad, and gentle scrubbing. Simply rub the affected area in one direction for about five seconds and then wipe off the product.

You may also soak the shaft in a solution of water and Cocacola for about 2 – 3 hours in case you have lots of rust spots. After this time, you can gently scrub to remove any remaining rust spots, then rinse it off thoroughly.

Using Vinegar and Lemon Juice

If you have rust spots, mix a solution of vinegar and lemon juice and apply it to the affected area. Use gentle pressure to rub the product into the grooves. Repeat this process several times and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Using Rust Remover

If you have rust spots, you can buy a rust remover and clean it with a scrubbing pad. You’ll just need one of these and warm water. Simply apply the product to the affected area, let it sit for about 5 minutes, and then scrub both sides of the shaft in one direction for about five seconds, then in a different direction. Rinse thoroughly with warm water afterward.

After removing the rust, wipe off all excess moisture and allow them to dry for a few hours before proceeding to step 4.

Step 4. Leave to air dry, or dry with a towel

After you have removed all dust residue from your clubs, it is essential that you do not leave them in direct sunlight. This will cause the moisture on your clubs to evaporate, leaving exposed metal which will rust faster. If you must, put a towel over them after they have completely dried.

Finally, when all of your club parts have dried, it is recommended that you sand down the shafts to ensure that they are completely smooth.

gray steel golf clubs on selective focus photo
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Final thoughts on how to clean rust off golf clubs

Your clubs will last longer if you clean them after every use. You can use our article on the best way to clean your golf clubs at home.

We hope this article helps you clean the rust off your golf clubs and avoid getting rust on them in the future. Please feel free to reach out in case of any questions. You can also leave a comment below, and we will respond as soon as we can.

White golf club on green grass field
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

Why do golf clubs rust?

Most people understand that steel rusts, but they don’t have an idea of why clubs golf rust.

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It’s actually something to do with the steel’s ability to form an oxide on its surface when exposed to oxygen and moisture. When the oxygen breaks down these oxides, it creates iron oxide, which causes this rust.

You can prevent this from being a problem by regularly cleaning your golf club parts using water and gentle soap. We have discussed how to clean your golf clubs at home in detail.

While playing on the golf course, we also have some tips to help you clean your golf clubs while playing.

How do I prevent my golf clubs from rusting?

The most important thing you can do to prevent your clubs from rusting is to maintain them properly. Always clean your golf clubs and put them away in a dry place after playing.

You should avoid leaving them in the trunk of your car and avoid storing them in direct sunlight. Furthermore, avoid any areas with lots of moisture.

Lastly, always use a soft cloth to remove any dirt that may accumulate on the grooves of your club’s face before storing them in case you do not plan to wash them regularly.

What products can I apply to my golf clubs to prevent rust?

You can use linseed oil on your clubs as a solution to prevent rust from forming again. It would help if you simply rub it into the grooves of your club’s face once a month when you’re using it.

Another product you can use is WD-40, which helps to prevent rust and lubricates your clubs at the same time.

Is rust on golf clubs good?

In most cases, rust on your golf clubs is caused by moisture. This moisture is very likely to ruin the durability of your club’s shaft and could reduce their performance.

However, there are some instances where rust could act as a protective coating for your clubs. If you use your clubs near saltwater on occasion, rust may form over the metal to prevent the salt from forming a layer over it, which will ultimately prevent it from corroding.

There is a common myth around rusty golf clubs reducing the spin while playing. This myth is highly incorrect as rust can’t alter the way your golf clubs perform.

A little rust will not affect your performance either. However, you may want to sand off the rust spots from your clubs if they are very noticeable, as this can give you a few extra yards in distance.

Can you use WD-40 on golf clubs?

gray golf putter set with bag
Photo by Will Porada on Unsplash

WD-40 is one of the most common products used to remove rust from your golf clubs. Despite this, there have been many controversies regarding whether it’s safe to use WD-40 on your golf clubs, or not.

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The controversy around WD-40 and rust on your golf clubs is the fact that some people are concerned about the effect it may have if used on them for too long, considering how corrosive it is. This product could damage your shaft and might cause further damage to your club in time.

However, the other side of the story is that WD-40 is a great product for removing rust. Some people claim that it actually prevents rust from forming first, which could be true. It depends on how your clubs get rusty in the first place and if you use your clubs frequently enough to prevent them from rusting or not.

Feel free to use WD-40 on your golf clubs to remove rust. However, use it sparingly, and always store your clubs in a dry place to prevent them from rusting.

Does WD-40 remove rust on golf clubs?

WD-40 is a popular product for removing rust from your golf clubs. This can be considered the go-to product due to its ability to remove rust, but can it prevent it from happening in the first place?

In most cases, rust on your golf clubs is caused by moisture. This moisture is very likely to ruin the durability of your club’s shaft and could reduce its performance. WD-40 acts on the rust by loosening the bonds on rust, making it easy to clean off.

WD-40 also coats the golf shaft preventing moisture build-up which results in the rusting of your club.

Are Rusty golf wedges better?

It’s a common myth that rusty golf wedges are better. The thought behind this is that the grooves get filled with rust. Therefore, it will force the grooves to open up when you strike the ball and give you a bit more spin on your shot.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim at all. Rusty wedges could actually be much worse; they could have poor control of spins and, as such, affect your overall game negatively.


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Michael G

I love investing in people! Michael is on a mission to help organizations and individuals become better. Michael has had a distinguished 10-year career spanning through non-profit and the corporate world. Michael's life purpose is in helping to simplify complex problems to define actionable solutions, which is why through public speaking, Michael is focused on inspiring and impacting people towards the right personal growth formula and generating sustainable business growth.

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