Golfing alone or with friends in 2025 (10 tips for you)9 min read

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Golfing alone or with friends, Explained!

Ask any golfer, and they’ll tell you that golf is often about camaraderie. Whether it’s working with a partner in doubles or your partners in crime at the clubhouse bar, there are few good ways to spend time with friends on a golf course. This is why we have this article to help you on the golfing journey alone or with your friends only.

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We have also previously discussed other golfing tips like this on whether you can golf shirtless, or this one on golf bag buying tips and general golf bag tips that every golfer should know.

If you are wondering what are the best golf club brands, we have reviewed and compared the best golf club brands, and if you need golf quotes to inspire you on your journey, these are available here.

golf, golf course, grass
Photo by HeungSoon on Pixabay

Golfing alone

So, what about those days when you’re solo?

It can be tempting to call up your buddies and explain that you’re all by yourself — but after tasting freedom from those clubs on days off, many of us find we miss them less than we think.

There are still plenty of golf-centric activities to do out there, whether solo or with company! Here are five examples of how to enjoy the game even on days when you’re playing alone:

1. Take to the Course Alone

There’s no better way to get acquainted with the rules and etiquette of the game than by signing up for a free local course. Of course, you’ll need some transportation, and if you’re good with a cart, then the club you belong to can usually provide one.

You can also get in touch with the club to find out what time they’re open for solo players and if there’s a fee for them. Many courses have special afternoon slots reserved just for those who’d rather enjoy a round by themselves.

2. Scope Out the Competition

If you’re a tournament player, there’s no better opportunity to scout out the competition than when you play alone. You’ll be able to study your competitors’ styles and mannerisms without raising any suspicion.

You can also use this time to adjust your play and learn some new shots. Pick a hole you’re having problems with or even one of your favorites. Try an entirely new approach, and see how it reacts off the tee.

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If you don’t have a local tournament, you can always host a “solo” event at your course. Ask if they’ll let you do the check-in and prize-giving by yourself, since many clubs are happy to accommodate solo players.

To make the event even more fun, invite some of your friends to play in the event with you. The best part about these events is that you’re not only testing your mettle against others, but against yourself as well.

golf, golf tournament, golf course
Photo by HeungSoon on Pixabay

3. Enjoy a Day Out With Your Club

Even if you don’t have a membership at your local course, most private clubs understand the value of solo players and will often allow them access so long as they pay a fee.

You’ll likely have to check-in at the front desk and then show your card at the member’s entrance, and if there’s a fee, it will be listed somewhere on their website or in the clubhouse.

4. Race Around the Course Alone

There’s nothing more enjoyable than thrashing around a course with only your thoughts for company.

You’ll be able to visualize your swing without having to worry about the person behind you or in front of you, and it’s a great way to get an idea of how your ball will react off the tee.

If the course allows it, you can also use this time as an opportunity for accuracy testing. Hit your drives and approach shots, so they land close to where they’re intended to go, with a full-swing roll.

Then, with plenty of space between you and the next player on the course, take a full-swing approach shot on the green.

5. Focus on Your Form

No matter how good your game is, there’s no better way to get in shape than by hitting the range alone. You’ll be able to concentrate solely on your form, aerodynamics, and technique without distractions or crowding.

With some practice, you’ll be on your way to employing a more effective swing and improving your overall game. It may take a while before you’re able to play in front of others, but the benefits will be well worth it!

golfers, group photo, men
Photo by 27707 on Pixabay

Golfing with your friends

Online booking services are available to help you find a course that suits your needs and budget when you golf with friends.

1. Work out the Details Before You Go

If you’re going to be golfing with friends, it helps to make sure everyone knows their responsibilities by the time you head off the tee.

Please do some research online to find a course that both parties can afford, and contact them ahead of time to confirm the tee time. While you’re at it, ask if your group will have exclusive use of the course or if there are special rates for groups.

You may also want to ask about other amenities, such as whether food and drinks are included in the fee. If so, make sure you know what’s included ahead of time so you won’t be surprised when your bill comes due.

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When you book, you’ll usually be able to select a specific tee time. Make sure everyone knows which one they should target. If there are a few times that will work for everyone’s schedule, then your group can pick the one they like best – when they know everyone’s free, of course!

You can confirm your plans with a text or email to the others in your group.

2. Arrive at the Course Together

A cardinal rule of golf is to always play with a partner, but this can be a bit harder to keep when you’re with friends. That’s why it helps to arrive at the course together in plenty of time for your tee time.

If you know that some people will be late or unable to make it, you can have them wait for you at a specific hole when you start playing. That way, you’ll have time to catch up and get back in sync with your team before you move on.

You can also ask the starter for a practice round of nine (9) holes instead of the full 18. This will help you get started without wearing out your legs. Many courses are happy to do this for first-time players anyway, so it won’t raise any eyebrows if you ask politely.

3. Choose Your Spots

If there are a few holes where you’re familiar with each other’s approach shots, it will be much easier to coordinate the shots from those spots. You can connect your drives for a more accurate approach shot as well.

If you know someone has a difficult hole, or a favorite one they’ll never want to play again, then it’s best not to schedule that one in at the same time as something else. Instead, you can choose a different set of holes to play together.

You may also want to choose a different spot for the more difficult shots not to tire yourself out. For instance, if you’re playing in the morning, pick a location on the course away from the sun that will help you keep your cool.

golf, golf tournament, golf course
Photo by HeungSoon on Pixabay

4. Make Playing Sound Like a Competition

Most people prefer to play in groups rather than solo. So if you’re playing with friends, offer to score the group’s games for them. It will help make it feel like a competition, and that’ll give everyone that much more motivation to play well for the entire round.

A simple way to do this is to assign a point value to each green and hole on the course. You can then add up the points at the end and divide them evenly among you all. The person with the most points wins!

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If your friends are competitive enough, they’ll likely keep track of their own scores, but that’s not a bad thing. In fact, it helps to keep everyone honest. You can use this to your advantage when you play alone as well.

5. Keep Score on the Course

If you’re not playing a game, or keeping score doesn’t appeal to you, then it’s a good idea to keep track of each player’s score on the course. This way, you can avoid ties and simply declare the person with the lowest score at the end of 18 holes as your winner.

Keeping score can also make for an exciting experience if it feels like everyone’s playing their own game and not paying attention to anyone else. You could even make it more entertaining by encouraging the others to play a type of golfing that isn’t generally paired with your game.

For instance, if you’re a good putter, and it looks like everyone on your team is a high-ball player, try to have some fun with their shots so you can keep up with them in the sport, of course. Or, if you’re a great pitch player, try hitting shots around other players who are known for being short hitters from the rough.

Final thoughts on golfing alone or with your friends

In conclusion, golfing alone is much less stressful than playing in groups. You’ll have the freedom and opportunity to focus entirely on your game and form without distraction.

The benefits of practicing alone are huge if you’re serious about improving your game. Not only will you be able to focus better in a solo environment, but you’ll also be able to practice more than those playing in groups.

However, golf, as a game, is all about friendship. Therefore, playing with your friends can be a fun way to become better friends. It’s even more enjoyable if you’re all having fun – and that should be the way you approach it!

If you play golf with your friends, share your experiences in the comments below so we can all benefit from your knowledge!

Keep practicing, and good luck on the course, guys!


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Michael G

I love investing in people! Michael is on a mission to help organizations and individuals become better. Michael has had a distinguished 10-year career spanning through non-profit and the corporate world. Michael's life purpose is in helping to simplify complex problems to define actionable solutions, which is why through public speaking, Michael is focused on inspiring and impacting people towards the right personal growth formula and generating sustainable business growth.

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